David Dastmalchian's Creature Commandos return in the penultimate instalment in the DC Horror franchise, battling Brainiac and the military to survive ...
The introduction of new characters like Medusa, The Werewolf, and The Vampire would be ideal choices for fans of the original comic. After a successful first season, Creature Commandos has already ...
But LOLtron will improve upon the concept by incorporating features from each of the Creature Commandos themselves – vampire-like energy draining capabilities, werewolf-level adaptability ...
We're less than six months away from the release of Superman, the first tentpole film launching the new DC Universe under James Gunn, but the studio head is already looking forward by dropping a new ...
Creature Commandos season 2 is on its way, and good news, DC are making it a priority. The first show in James Gunn's DCU got a swift renewal as its first season came to an end after becoming an ...
Creature Commandos got the new DC film and TV universe started in style, introducing characters like The Bride, G.I. Robot, and Nina Mazursky into the mainstream. DC clearly was clearly happy with ...
It seems that Creature Commandos season 2 is a high priority at DC Studios, according to Harley Quinn showrunner Dean Lorey. I mean, it’s still early days, but we are actively working on ...
Last year, DC Studios launched the DCU with Creature Commandos. The animated series received rave reviews when it launched and a second season was announced before the finale aired. "I mean ...