Reliance Jio on Tuesday announced it has launched its high-speed 5G services in 20 cities across 11 states and Union Territories. They are Bongaigaon, North Lakhimpur, Sivasagar, Tinsukia (Assam ...
NEW DELHI: Reliance Jio’s collaboration with smartphone brand Poco is aimed to making fifth-generation or 5G accessible to the masses in India, said a senior executive of the telecom operator.
To ensure people have access to fast internet, Jio has rolled out 5G service in many cities. Jio has made significant achievements in the field of 5G technology, becoming a world leader in this area.
OnePlus smartphones will gain access to Reliance Jio True 5G's Stand Alone 5G technology ecosystem in India. The support has been rolled out since December 1 for the latest OnePlus 10 Series ...