And the 90s, when we said ... And we can. HOOVER: Jonathan Haidt, for your contribution, for your work. Thank you for joining me on Firing Line. HAIDT: Margaret, thanks so much for giving ...
Jonathan Haidt let his son walk half a mile to school by himself in fourth grade, two years before any of the boy’s ...
Five generations are working side-by-side in offices for the first time, but the youngest cohort is bringing new expectations and boundaries to the workplace that break with traditional ...
"TikTok is severely damaging children in the Western world, whereas the version in China is very different and is much more pro-social and is not damaging their generation," said Jonathan Haidt ...
The Anxious Generation by Jonathan Haidt has become a “must read” for parents, educators, and anyone who has a smart device. Jonathan Haidt streamlines recent research and outlines how social ...
Jonathan Haidt is associate professor of psychology at the University of Virginia. His research focuses on the psychological bases of morality across different cultures and political ideology. He ...