The Consumers Council of Missouri said customers who have Ameren, Spire and Missouri American service potentially face at ...
Gov. Kehoe is celebrating his first major success as governor, the passage of the public safety bill, which he labeled his ...
"I'm a big fan of what Chief Tracy and Gabe Gore have done,” Gov. Mike Kehoe said. “I've said that multiple times. I'll ...
A midyear budget adjustment that will keep the state’s senior meal program afloat was sent Wednesday to Gov. Mike Kehoe.
Missouri Gov. Mike Kehoe is expected to sign a plan that would put the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department under state ...
St. Louis local elected officials would lose control over the city's police force under a bill before Missouri's Republican ...
Like him or not, two near upsets in races for governor and GOP party chairman demonstrated Bill Eigel’s ability to harness ...
Missouri Senate Bill 4 could raise utility rates in the short term by charging customers for construction work in progress.
The bill now goes to Gov. Mike Kehoe, who made the state takeover of St. Louis Police one of his priorities. St. Louis' two ...
Legislators are expected to pass a bill this week that would take oversight of the police away from the city. That Civil ...
Kansas Republican Kris Kobach lost races for governor in 2018 and the U.S. Senate in 2020 but resurrected his political ...
Placing the St. Louis Police Department under a state-appointed board has been a priority for Gov. Mike Kehoe. The Republican ...