Rangers start to train in hand-to-hand combat in their earliest selection course and continue through their whole careers in ...
Sgt. 1st Class Christopher Celiz was shot while shielding his comrades from enemy fire as they worked to save an injured ...
A Green Beret became the first US servicemember to graduate from the modern version of Thai Ranger School. The Green Beret, who is assigned to the 1st Special Forces Group, finished ...
At the US Army's annual Best Ranger Competition, 56 two-man teams representing 27 different Army units undergo a 60-hour gauntlet of physical and mental tests. By day three, the field of 56 teams ...
Sgt. 1st Class Jacob Braun breaks down every piece of gear a US Army Ranger would carry in their aviator kit bag during a night-raid mission. The bag includes protective gear, ammunition ...