The office is set to close on April 30. At this time, it is not clear where other providers will be going. Those who need care in Plattsburgh can visit Champlain Valley Physicians Hospital, Northern ...
Expert Rev of Obstet Gynecol. 2012;7(3):269-279. In summary, excess levels of urobilinogen and bilirubin in the urine may signal liver disease, and more research is needed to correlate these ...
A young Ōpōtiki couple feel "lucky" that an obstetrician happened to be on duty at Whakatāne Hospital last month when they needed an emergency caesarean to save their baby's life. But they fear ...
In this article, Drs. Cooper, Ejiogu, and Odunsi offer some useful advice on how to get your body ready for pregnancy.
A Perth obstetrician tried to blame a rideshare driver for causing a crash that killed a 24-year-old woman on the weekend, telling a court he had "only had two beers", despite recording a blood ...
Harris Regional Hospital welcomes board-certified obstetrician and gynecologist Stefanie Hatfield, MD to its medical staff.
Urine microscopy is an important adjunct to the urinalysis. The findings of cells, casts or crystals can aid in urinalysis interpretation and in making a more accurate diagnosis. Since the formed ...
New footage shows Perth obstetrician Rhys Bellinge trying to blame a rideshare driver for causing a fatal crash in Dalkeith on the weekend. The driver suffered serious injuries while the passenger ...