Discover the story of Norrin Radd AKA the Silver Surfer ! ‪@stellalasaurus‬ breaks down everything you need to know: How did ...
Michael Straczynski, art by Esad Ribi and lettering by Cory Petit, the Silver Surfer, aka Norrin Radd, arrives on Earth to seek life-or-death help from Reed Richards. After lifetimes of surfing ...
It has been nearly 10 years since the Fantastic Four’s last (and infamous) big-screen appearance. Since then, they’ve only ...
Though readers are left with many questions on how Blade exactly got injured, we do eventually see what the group is running from — Norrin Radd himself, the Silver Surfer. Since the character ...
Garner’s gender-swapped Silver Surfer is a departure from the character who debuted in 1965’s Fantastic Four #48: Norrin Radd, who volunteered to serve Galactus as his herald to spare his ...