Discover the story of the MiG-29, the Soviet Union’s high-performance response to the F-16. This video explores the ...
It may not have not been a good idea: the Dyna-Soar, Blue Gemini, and the Manned Orbiting Laboratory were all projects abandoned by the US Air Force for lack of a clear goal. The Soviet Union ...
To compensate for the considerable advantages the F-4 Phantoms had over MiG-21s, the North Vietnamese developed innovative ...
Ukraine said one of its F-16 pilots shot down six missiles, which it said would be a record for the American jet.
During his downtime, he flies one of the iconic planes of the Soviet Union — the Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-17. His silver-clad fighter, adorned with Cuban Revolutionary Air and Air Defense Force ...
The B-47 led to the B-52, an incredibly long-range bomber still serving within the United States Air Force decades after its introduction. The Soviet Union developed the turboprop-powered Tupolev ...
NATO, despite all odds, did not disappear after the collapse of the Soviet Union ... Regis Chamagne, a French Air Force colonel, Commander of the Legion of Honor and holder of the National ...