Walker is an action crime-drama series that is a reboot of the 1990s western drama series Walker, Texas Ranger. The show follows a widower named Cordell Walker, who returns to Austin and attempts ...
B acked by a stellar cast, Martial arts legend Chuck Norris became a TV legend with the series Walker, Texas Ranger, running from 1993 to 2001.The Neo-Western action series spawned a TV movie in ...
The Texas Rangers were listed as a potential landing spot for future MLB Hall of Famer Max Scherzer this winter in what would have been a reunion between the two sides. Scherzer arrived in ...
Like Walker, the untitled one-hour takes place in Padalecki’s home state of Texas, but instead of a ranger, he will now play a doctor. Unlike most medical dramas, which take place at big ...
The Texas Rangers have made multiple moves this winter in order to improve their roster. Some were seen as major splashes, others simply re-signing important organizational pieces, and a few ...
EXCLUSIVE: Walker star/executive producer Jared Padalecki has re-teamed with the CW series’ executive producer/showrunner Anna Fricke for a new drama project, which has been set up at CBS for ...