Utah’s largest teacher union and the other plaintiffs suing the Utah Legislature over the state’s new “school choice” voucher program are taking a page out of the Amendment D playbook. As part of their lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of the Utah Fits All Scholarship Program,
Utah has tried to partner with the Small Business Administration but the federal agency has been “unresponsive,” Rep. Celeste Maloy said at a hearing on Wednesday. Maloy, R-Utah, told SBA Administrator Isabel Guzman at the House Small Business Committee hearing that she shared her colleagues’ concerns about SBA’s far-reaching ambitions,
In front of a room packed with Utah Republican Party leaders, many of whom voted last year to forgo a presidential primary in favor of a poll at local caucus meetings, GOP lawmakers voted to cancel a hearing on Utah’s disorderly Super Tuesday for a second time.
The Utah County clerk — who has been a vocal critic of voting by mail — is facing calls from state election officials to improve his office’s election processes after a state review of the 2024 primary found some of his staff were “too strict” during ballot signature verification,
A state legislative committee declined to hear complaints about the Utah Republican Party’s caucus-night presidential poll for the second time on Wednesday, citing biased presentations, the independence of party organizations and an alleged conflict of interest with the committee chair.
Utah Gov. Spencer Cox has reaffirmed his support for Donald Trump even as the former president has continued to spread insults and inflammatory statements on the campaign trail. Cox said Thursday he hoped Trump would abandon that behavior when he endorsed him in July.
In its review of Utah County's election process, the Office of the Lieutenant Governor found that 19 extra ballots were counted -- in addition to finding issues with the "fast cast" voting system implemented in the county and issues regarding signature verification.
After more ballots were counted in Utah County than the number of voters, the Lieutenant Governor’s Office reviewed the county’s processes during the June 25 primary election.
A new lawsuit filed by the state's largest teachers union says the ballot language to change how Utahns’ income tax can be spent “misleads” voters and “strips public education” of “longstanding constitutional protection.
The Utah Supreme Court has agreed to decide if Amendment D will go on the November ballot. On Saturday, the state’s top court agreed to take up the Legislature’s appeal of a lower court judge’s ruling that voided the constitutional amendment.
Amendment B would increase the cap on distributions from Utah's Permanent State School Fund endowment from 4% to 5%, which could increase annual distributions by $14 million.
There’s a chance the controversial constitutional Amendment D on Utah’s Nov. 5 ballot — voided last week by a district court judge — may come back from the dead. Over the weekend, the Utah Supreme Court agreed to hear the Utah Legislature’s appeal.