Oklahoma is in the heart of the states traditionally labeled "Tornado Alley." But over five decades, tornado frequency has increased in other areas.
"There's never a good time for these kinds of awful decisions," meteorologist Don Paul told Newsweek. "But this is an especially bad time."
His 2015 debut film Slow West was still on the festival circuit when he sat down and began to write a new film. This time, he wanted to set his story in Britain in 1790, drawing on characters who he felt had never been given screen time before: the outlaws,
Fury Road" back in 2015, director George Miller discussed how silent cinema had inspired the filmmaking ethos behind his chase-movie epic. His hope was that you could potentially watch "Fury Road" as a silent film and still get most of what you needed in terms of the story from the visual language and physical performances of the actors.
Damage at Giraffe Inn and Safari in Texas after a tornado hit the zoo early Tuesday morning. Damage at Giraffe Inn and Safari in Texas after a tornado hit the zoo early Tuesday mo
Neighbourhoods were heavily damaged after tornadoes tore through areas of Oklahoma as part of a swath of severe weather that hit the state.
Tornadoes can form in minutes, leaving little time to prepare. Knowing the difference between alerts and having a safety plan in place is critical.
A memorial service was held at Providence Baptist Church to remember the 23 lives lost in the Beauregard tornado.
Don't treat tornado watches or warnings lightly. Deadly twisters can hit in Mississippi all year. See what the weather data says about historic storms
I couldn’t help but feel nostalgic as Jellybean, Miley and I sat cramped together in my tiny bathroom, our eyes glued to the Weather Channel app while straining to hear