If the white part of the eye is swollen and appears jelly ... One of those is adenovirus, which often produces symptoms similar to those of the common cold. Viral conjunctivitis is highly ...
Parents of a toddler were shocked to find out that an infection in his eye was actually caused by the herpes simplex virus ...
Some symptoms of COVID-19 overlap with those of the common cold, allergies, and the flu. That can make it tricky to diagnose without a test. The coronavirus generally affects the lungs and ...
During a live segment of "Eye on Your Health," Dr. Jennifer Moreira from Baylor Scott & White shared tips on shortening the duration of a cold, especially during spring break. She highlighted a new ...
A cold begins when a virus attaches to the lining of your nose or throat. A doctor can usually tell if you have the flu based on your symptoms, especially if it’s during peak season. Bird flu ...