Cranberry Township is looking for free fill sites to accommodate spoils from public works operations. Short-term sites are ...
A vehicle fire has been reported late Thursday morning on Interstate 79, according to Butler County Emergency Services ...
Township officials are implementing a cutting-edge program this year in an attempt to maximize paving dollars. Supervisors on ...
CRANBERRY TOWNSHIP, Pa. (KDKA) — A Cranberry Township father is facing charges after police said they found over 650 files of child pornography and photos of the neighborhood girls in swimsuits ...
CRANBERRY TOWNSHIP (KDKA) - Cranberry Township fire crews are seeing a significant increase in emergency calls, and one of the reasons calls keep pouring in has to do with internet upgrades.
CRANBERRY TWP. ― The first Cranberry Artists Network Members Show for 2025 is scheduled for Feb. 28 to April 10 at the Renovated Cranberry Township Municipal Building, 2525 Rochester Road.