Since hatching, Jackie and Shadow’s three eagle chicks have spent time eating, tumbling, thriving and ‘bonking’ in the family nest near Big Bear Lake.
Two eagle chicks were resting in a nest high above Big Bear Lake Tuesday morning, March 4, after emerging from their shells overnight. The chicks joined bald eagle pair Jackie and Shadow in the ...
The nonprofit conservation group operates a 24-hour webcam trained on the eagles’ nest overlooking Big Bear Lake and has closely monitored the avian couple for a decade. Sandy Steers ...
A bald eagle couple named Jackie and Shadow welcomed two new eaglets in Big Bear Lake. An organization called the Friends of Big Bear Valley set up a solar-powered camera to keep an eye on the nest.
It isn't all about plunging, of course — family fun is afoot at the event — but the focus, whether you go in the lake or donate from afar, is totally about aiding an excellent cause.
As Jackie keeps her two eaglets warm, Friends of Big Bear Valley said Thursday morning that there is not a confirmed pip yet in the third egg. "We continue to wait and watch." ...
That afternoon, the eagle couple fed fish to their two eaglets while snow continues to fall on the eagle family and nest that sits atop a 14-story Jeffrey pine tree near Big Bear Lake in the San ...
It’s a thrilling time for the conservation group, which operates the 24-hour webcam that shows the eagles’ 145-foot-high nest in a Jeffrey pine overlooking Big Bear Lake. Fans who have been on ...
A pair of local bald eagles are looking after three new hatchlings in their nest above Big Bear lake, and an internet camera ...
Viewers of the livestream were treated to a view of both of the eaglets shifting around in their tree-top nest near Big Bear Lake in the San Bernardino Mountains later Tuesday morning. It comes as ...