Dear Jesus You paid the debt of Adam for us to ... You broke the bonds of death and rose from the grave as a Conqueror. You reconciled Heaven and earth. Our life had no hope of Eternal Happiness ...
When a young couple marries, they have all sorts of dreams of how wonderful life will be, maybe even how easy it will be, to ...
After his crucifixion, death and burial on Good Friday, Jesus rose from the grave three days later, according to By this, Jesus conquered death and redeemed us from sin ...
On a hill above Altadena named Little Round Top, a grave stood for 136 years as the ... A plume of dust now rose from a neighborhood. “I used to hike these hills growing up.
Sunday: the first day of the week, the Festival of First Fruits On the third day, Jesus rose from the grave. It was the first day of the week and the day after the Sabbath, according to Matthew 28 ...
A Chattanooga pastor is at the center of controversy after his sermon this past Sunday went viral on social media. Dr. Steve Caudle is the lead pastor at Greater Second Missionary Baptist Church. He ...
At its conclusion, a funeral attendant who closed his casket handed me a single rose from the bouquet adorning ... And I am growing in my awe of Jesus, who uniquely fills that gap on my behalf.
Kolasinski said she met Jesus Christ when she was asleep in the ... Out of the “false church,” out of hell, out of the grave where everyone is dead, and dragged her through the fire.
Worshippers in Jerusalem’s Church of the Holy Sepulchre surround the restored Edicule, a shrine that Christian tradition says was built over the burial place of Jesus Christ. The shrine ...