The latest from the North Dakota Department of Transportation puts load restrictions on all highways in the southern half of ...
Pew found a huge age gap, with young adults overwhelmingly less religious than their elders—some 46 percent of the youngest Americans identify as Christian, compared to 80 percent of the oldest adults ...
The line of strong storms will hit the U.S. from the Canadian border to the north down to the Gulf Coast on Friday night.
Here are this morning’s top stories with KELOLAND On the Go. The South Dakota attorney general’s office has released the name ...
The best time to try and see the northern lights is between 10 p.m. and 2 a.m., according to NOAA. If you’re hoping to see ...
Tornadoes can (and have) hit every U.S. state, but the area nicknamed Tornado Alley is probably where your mind goes when you ...
The National Institutes of Health is the largest federal funder of medical research in the U.S. NIH funds drive research and innovation, leading to better understanding and treatment of diseases and ...
There are only eight developed hiking trails in Badlands National Park but the entire 244,000 acres of the park are open ...
The mayor of Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, is inviting Americans, especially those from its Sister City of Minot, to come up and ...
There are a lot of excellent sandwich shops out there to choose from, but if you're looking for the best spot in each state, ...
The little pup missing is a mix pup/dachshund/chihuahua named Seecha. She has been missing since the Big Game on Sunday, ...