Assembly Bill 223 seeks to give tenants more power to hold landlords accountable for failing to provide livable conditions.
Assembly Bill 223 seeks to give tenants power to hold landlords accountable for failing to provide livable conditions such as ...
Wednesday to pay $280,000 to activist Miracle Boyd, who was struck by a Chicago police officer during a protest in Grant Park near the Christopher Columbus statue in July 2020.
Chicago’s city council approved a $280,000 settlement to a lawsuit filed in 2024 against the city and its police officers.
Miracle Boyd had her front teeth knocked out during a clash at the Christopher Columbus statue in Grant Park after the 2020 ...
Missoula District Court Judge John Larson sentenced Ailport to 110 years on Feb. 13, which was 10 years above the deal's ...
Every shipwreck has its own story, but some are just that much more tragic,” said Great Lakes Shipwreck Historical Society ...
GoodKids MadCity has been heavily involved in causes close to the mayor’s heart — preventing violence and training young people during the summer ... has served as Boyd’s attorney in the ...
Researchers have finally discovered the final resting spot of the historic Gilded Age ship Western Reserve — closing the book ...
William C. “Bill” Hogue built about 4,000 homes in Shawnee County while running Mission Valley Ranch, near Dover, and a Flint ...
Twenty-seven people died as a result of the wreck, and what happened is only known because of its lone survivor.