Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday spoke at length on various issues in his debut podcast with Zerodha co-founder Nikhil Kamath. During the two-hour-long conversation, he was asked whether money ...
Following Nikhil Kamath's podcast with PM Modi, elder brother Nithin questioned the Prime Minister's skincare secrets.
PM Modi on Nikhil Kamath podcast: The PM also said if the youth of the country has one mobile phone in his pocket, he needs nothing else. "The youth of this country will remember that once, there was ...
The conversation dives into weighty topics, including global conflicts, youth participation in politics, and Modi’s ...
Prime Minister Narendra Modi did a podcast with Zerodha co-founder Nikhil Kamath. Kamath interviewed PM Modi. In this, PM ...
The Prime Minister explained that Xi’s interest in Gujarat stemmed from a historical connection to his own village in China.
It is natural to make mistakes, as I am human, not God, but I will never do wrong intentionally, the Prime Minister says in ...
Prime Minister Narendra Modi was speaking to Zerodha co-founder Nikhil Kamath in a podcast released on Friday.
In his first podcast, PM Modi talked about his childhood, his education in the local school, how he loved swimming and washed clothes of all his family members.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi shared an intriguing revelation about Chinese President Xi Jinping's insistence on visiting Vadnagar, Modi's hometown in Gujarat.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi made his podcast debut as he appeared on Zerodha co-founder Nikhil Kamath's YouTube channel.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi emphasized his life's mantra of avoiding actions with bad intentions, valuing idealism over ...