A bill proposed by state Rep. Sean Quinlan would bar siting landfills over aquifers but loosen restrictions against placing ...
But if lawmakers want a plan, any plan, the response should be: >> UH is seeking to raise even more money through ...
Mo Radke grew up in Seattle, joined the U.S. Navy in 1976 and wound up stationed in Hawaiʻi in 1992 — 16 years after the ...
JAMM AQUINO / JAQUINO @STARADVERTISER.COM The intersection of Waiakamilo Road and Dillingham Boulevard is seen heading toward downtown along the Dillingham Boulevard corridor of HART’s Skyline.
However, he initially felt addressing the issue might bring more unwanted attention. "When I saw Rick issue a tweet about it I felt the liberty to go ahead and address it publicly," Cox told The ...
The Republic, the best-known work of ancient Greek philosopher Plato on democracy, authored around 375 BC, has shaped Western political thought. By Matthew Duncombe Greece is now known as the “cradle ...