We recently exposed payroll records for the Health Department that indicated a person was working when in reality they were ...
In a case which should have never been brought, the Appellate Court upheld the Calumet City Electoral Board’s decision to ...
Thornton Township Supervisor Tiffany Henyard streamed a live video this evening from the comfort of her soon-to-be-former office at Thornton Township. Henyard’s video from today was nothing but ...
We would like to think there are times when something as simple as a classic Christmas movie can put things in perspective. During my routine morning coffee discussion with friends in the morning, one ...
We find it amazing how the “Chicago-based” newspaper, the Shelbyville Eagle, which is based out of Cook County in a suburb of the city of Chicago, Illinois, can get something so wrong, especially a ...
The Pecatonica Township Clerk has allegedly taken it upon herself to remove candidates from the ballot for “apparent nonconforming” petitions, but only those apparent nonconforming petitions for the ...
Mattoon School District #2 Board Member John Hedges has filed three false Statement of Economic Interest (“SEI”) forms in at least the past two years. True and correct SEIs are mandatory for certain ...
Just prior to the February 6, 2025, Shelby County Public Safety Committee meeting, a committee member can be heard asking if Austin Pritchard was on the committee, ...
The Mayor of Chatham, Illinois, Thomas Gray – who is also an attorney (officer of the Courts), immediate past president of the Illinois Municipal League, and (recently retired) General Counsel to the ...
As it stands now, the small Village of Metcalf (pop 189) in North-Central Edgar County, Illinois, has no candidates on the ballot for the elective offices of Village President and Village Trustee(s).