The late writings of Robert Fine, who died in 2018, can help us understand the manifold connections between the Enlightenment roots and the contemporary forms of left antisemitism. He understood that ...
Tolstoy famously wrote that ‘All happy families resemble one another, but each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.’ The Abu Fraiha family – the subject of a beautiful and moving documentary In ...
Liam Hoare launches a new Fathom series in which our writers re-read classic texts. Past Continuous, Yaakov Shabtai’s novel of three friends set in 1970s Tel Aviv, was first published in Hebrew in ...
Former Chief of Staff Chaim Bar-Lev consults with a bandaged Major General Ariel Sharon during the 1973 Yom Kippur War. GPO / Flash 90.
A number of proposals for how Israel can act to change the status quo in the Israeli-Palestinian arena have risen in prominence on the Israeli centre-left. Toby Greene examines these strategic level ...
Andrés Spokoiny is the President and CEO of the Jewish Funders Network. There was a time, not long ago, when societies built their stories around heroes. Now, the victim has dislodged the hero as the ...
Ronnie Fraser has been bravely fighting a sometimes lonely battle against antisemitism and anti-Zionism in the British trade union movement for decades. He briefly became a central figure in the ...
Noor A’wad joined Roots, a Palestinian-Jewish peacebuilding organisation, in 2016 after meeting Rabbi Hanan Schlesinger and Ali Abu Awwad in 2016. He organises joint Palestinian-Israeli activities and ...
Karolina Placzynta is a researcher for the Decoding Antisemitism project at the Centre for Research on Antisemitism, Technical University Berlin. She explains the methodology and the main findings of ...
Michael Harrington was America’s most eloquent voice for democratic socialism for decades. His great passion: to create a society that is both economically and politically democratic – a society freed ...
Jack Omer-Jackaman is the author of Caught Somewhere Between Zion and Galut: Zionism, Israel and Anglo-Jewry’s Identity, 1948-1982 (Vallentine Mitchell, 2019) and deputy editor of Fathom. This opinion ...
The Biden administration has decided to return to the UN Human Rights Council in order to reform it and to call time on its notorious anti-Israel bias. Gerald M. Steinberg explains that while the ...