Young people from across Nottingham will bring Shakespeare’s storytelling to life when they take to the Theatre Royal stage ...
Tom Chambers is to play Inspector Morse in an original story which will be the first time the detective has appeared on stage ...
Floella Benjamin, adapted for the stage by David Wood Nicoll Entertainment, MAST Mayflower Studio, Southampton The Lowry, ...
Entering the Crucible auditorium on a dark evening, a huge space under a muted sun reveals a busy market at the end of a ...
If a producer came up with the idea of reviving Robert Bolt’s heavyweight 1960 play A Man for All Seasons on the basis of the ...
Icke presented a very contemporary picture with Oedipus a Western-style politician who is seeking election, surrounded by a ...
Rattlesnake (Richard Lock) enters the stage and starts plucking at a banjo, and the curtains open to the cast in full swing.