Oracle leads industry backlash, warning of dire consequences for US innovation, while others debate the effectiveness of AI ...
Cost, data privacy, and performance issues have IT executives reassessing what should go into multi-tenant public cloud ...
La CNMC ha sacado a concurso de forma pionera un servicio de desarrollo y mantenimiento de aplicaciones de IA que incluye su ...
Digital transformation promises big rewards, but without bold leadership, collaboration and risk-taking, it could quickly ...
Investigadores de BBVA y de IBM Research han diseñado un ‘dataset’ que sirve como prueba de estrés para medir la presencia de ...
Industrial Copilot es el asistente basado en inteligencia artificial generativa desarrollado conjuntamente por Siemens y ...
Most enterprises are focused on maximising their return from hybrid strategies that blend cloud and on-premises ...
Las empresas tienen éxito en su viaje a la nube al elegir proveedores estratégicamente, construir correctamente la primera ...
Ralph Ostertag, director of digital and technology for Asia Pacific at Heineken, based in Singapore, recently sat with Shirin Robert, editor of CIO Asean, to discuss his team’s roadmap for 2025, and ...
In the fight against Chinese AI ambitions, Microsoft is demanding more support from the incoming Trump administration. The ...
Este año, los CIO querrán centrarse más en desarrollar empleados preparados para la IA, mejorar la gobernanza de datos y ...
엔비디아는 데이터센터에 대규모 언어 모델 (LLM) 학습과 개선을 위한 대규모 컴퓨팅 용량을 제공하며 생성형 AI 사업을 발전시켜 왔다. 이번에 한발 더 나아가 엔비디아는 개인용 AI 슈퍼컴퓨터인 ‘ 프로젝트 디지츠 ...