Mit dabei unter anderem „Krone“-Vorturner Philipp Jelinek, „Burgenland-Krone“-Chef Philipp Wagner, Skistar Michaela ...
Long before New Year's Eve, the unauthorized setting off of firecrackers and rockets in the German capital Berlin led to ...
Outfitter and DJ for the star kickers, "soul" of the legendary "gang magic" around the Salzburg "bull" and on a first-name ...
Croatian President Zoran Milanović is in the lead in the presidential election in Croatia on Sunday, according to ...
Der kroatische Präsident Zoran Milanović liegt laut Nachwahlbefragungen bei der Präsidentenwahl in Kroatien am Sonntag in ...
Stefan Kraft hat am Sonntag in Oberstdorf seinen 44. Weltcupsieg gefeiert – und einen ÖSV-Dreifachsieg angeführt. „Es war ...
Stefan Kraft celebrated his 44th World Cup victory in Oberstdorf on Sunday - and led an ÖSV triple victory. "It was really ...
A state of emergency in the Gesundbrunnen district of Berlin on Saturday afternoon: following a post by an influencer and ...
Bereits weit vor Silvester haben das unerlaubte Zünden von Böllern und Raketen in der deutschen Hauptstadt Berlin zu mehreren ...
Für nachhaltige Landwirtschaft und Lebensmittelversorgung in verschiedenen Ländern gibt das Land Tirol 406.000 Euro an ...
The main defendant in the bank's multi-million bankruptcy is in poor health and will be the main absentee at the Eisenstadt ...
The province of Tyrol is providing 406,000 euros in funding for sustainable agriculture and food supply in various countries.