Abraham George’s comments are the latest sign of the state GOP’s embrace of fundamentalist ideologies that seek to center ...
Representatives Paul Dyson and Trey Wharton sat down with News Three's Lillian Kosh to discuss the session ahead.
Elect Joanne Shofner (R-Nacogdoches) about her feelings heading into her swearing-in and her support for State Representative ...
Dallas, proposed to his longtime partner, Gregory Scott Jr., on the floor of the Texas House. And Scott said yes.
A State Representative in Texas ensured the opening of the 89th legislative session in Austin yesterday was one to remember.
Senator Lois Kolkhorst represents District 18, which includes much of the Brazos Valley, including counties such as Burleson, ...
Now, more than ever, Texas must step up as a counterweight to national leadership, particularly in the realm of public health ...
State leaders are settling in at the Texas capital for the 89th legislative session, and sparks flew on day one.
State Representative Daniel Alders (R-Tyler) fills in the seat left by retired former State Representative Matt Schaefer.
The 89th Texas Legislative Session is now underway, with lawmakers officially sworn in and a new Speaker elected. Already, legislators have introduced more than 2,500 bills, setting the stage for a ...