KAMPALA, UGANDA | THE INDEPENDENT | Alliance Française Kampala (AFK), in collaboration with the French Embassy and other ...
Alliance Française Kampala, in collaboration with the French Embassy in Uganda and other partners, have honoured outstanding students and schools in the “Njogera Français” competition. The event was ...
The Assistant RDC in charge of Kasese Municipality, Justine Muhindo Mutabazi, who chaired a community meeting with residents, ...
A physician, politician, former rebel and military officer, the Opposition leader spoke about his Bush War experience and his ...
The award is in honour of his outstanding services rendered to the nation in various capacities and responsibilities.
One of the most significant issues facing our communities today is inadequate healthcare capacity. To their credit, East African governments have prioritised healthcare and are committed to addressing ...
Joseph Kabalhami, 60-years went into hiding shortly after the 2016 security raid on the OBR Kingdom Palace.