Directed by Seth Gordon, the film was released on Netflix earlier this month and marks Diaz’s first film since 2014’s Annie. But Back in Action has not been warmly received. At the time of writing, ...
Cameron Diaz's new Netflix comeback movie finds its audience score on Rotten Tomatoes turning around and more than doubling ...
Cameron Diaz and Jamie Foxx were "finishing each other's sentences" on the set of 'Back in Action'. The 52-year-old actress ...
A number of fans rejoiced in 2022 when it was announced that veteran actress Cameron Diaz would come out of retirement for a ...
The actors had each other’s backs as she returned to the screen and he recovered from a stroke, according to director Seth Gordon.
Netflix has released a new original movie that has immediately rocketed to #1 on the service, but is Back in Action with ...
The Mask was a major showcase for two top Hollywood stars in Jim Carrey and Cameron Diaz, and both stars have never looked back since its 1994 release. Over the years, The Mask has only gained more ...
Cameron Diaz thoroughly enjoyed her break from acting before returning for her latest role in Netflix’s ‘Back in Action’ ...
When Cameron Diaz and Jamie Foxx did press for Back In Action, which is now streaming for those with a Netflix subscription, ...
Jamie Foxx has been Cameron Diaz's "biggest cheerleader". The 57-year-old actor stars alongside Cameron, 52, in the new ...
Cameron Diaz returns to comedy after a yearslong hiatus with ‘Back in Action.’ Find out how to watch it below!
Jamie Foxx was through Cameron Diaz's side during the entirety of the shoot, helping the Knight and Day star trace her steps.