Discover the critical glaucoma symptoms you shouldn't ignore before turning 40, from blurry vision to eye pain and halos ...
But with COVID-19, the flu, respiratory syncytial virus, or RSV, and just the common cold all floating around and all sharing several similar symptoms, how are you supposed to know what you might ...
Parents of a toddler were shocked to find out that an infection in his eye was actually caused by the herpes simplex virus ...
It’s often a mild sickness that can be treated at home. These remedies won’t make your cold go away, but they will ease your symptoms. Because it’s a virus, a head cold can’t be treated by ...
During a live segment of "Eye on Your Health," Dr. Jennifer Moreira from Baylor Scott & White shared tips on shortening the duration of a cold, especially during spring break. She highlighted a new ...
If the white part of the eye is swollen and appears jelly ... One of those is adenovirus, which often produces symptoms similar to those of the common cold. Viral conjunctivitis is highly ...
Pseudoephedrine, another common ingredient in cold medicines ... to relieve nasal and eye symptoms. “You can do two sprays in each nostril every day, and it works best when you use it daily ...