When grizzlies first come out of torpor, or the state of near-hibernation they exist in throughout the winter, Jonkel says, grizzly bears reliably look for winterkill or roadkill to scavenge. Once ...
Although grizzly bears are usually thought of as carnivores, they are actually omnivorous. They will eat small mammals and spawning salmon when they are available, but rely mainly on vegetation for ...
"Bears don't just eat huckleberries ... berries (0.2%). The key factor is the removal of germination inhibitors in the berry pulp during digestion. Using GPS data from 74 collared grizzly ...
You name it, and a black bear will probably eat it. Generally speaking, black bears eat vegetation, berries, nuts, insects, fish, and meat. Bears are omnivores whose diet varies based on the region ...
LIFE CYCLE: Grizzly bears can live 20 to 25 years. FEEDING: Grizzly bears are omnivores, feeding on just about anything, including insects, berries, nuts, bulbs, roots, carrion and fish. Grizzlies ...
Grizzly bears are opportunistic eaters. This means they eat whatever they can find to fulfill their energy needs. Being omnivores means they will eat plants, berries, fish, and other mammals.