Q: You have written people can’t catch anything from a toilet seat. I beg to disagree! Diarrhea viruses can linger around toilets.
Be it from tap water on a vacation, some dodgy chicken, or something the kids have brought home from school, we've almost all been flattened by an awful stomach bug at some point in our lives. For ...
Yale Health officials and experts urge students to continue preventative measures to curb the spread of norovirus.
Lt. Gov. Billy Nungesser reassured the public that the oysters in New Orleans are safe, emphasizing the thorough response to recall the oysters from Area 3 by the Louisiana Health Department.
The official Super Bowl event comes just one day after the state issued the recall. Lt. Gov. Billy Nungesser, the state's top ...
Foodborne illness costs Americans $75 billion annually in premature deaths, medical care and lost productivity, study finds.
Health officials closed oyster harvesting Area 3–east of Lake Borgne and north of Eloi Bay, including the Chandeleur Islands and surrounding marshes–and issued a recall, which affects all shucked, ...
The timing was doubly bad, with the recall announced not only during Super Bowl week but also on the eve of the inaugural New ...
Fifteen people became ill with norovirus-like illness after eating the Louisiana oysters harvested from Area 3 at several New ...
The SandPaper reported norovirus outbreaks were rapidly spreading across the country and the state of New Jersey. In December 2023, only 15 norovirus outbreaks were reported in the state; in December ...
RSV, respiratory syncytial virus, usually peaks in December and January while infecting the nose, throat and lungs, usually ...
As a precautionary measure, the Louisiana Department of Health (LDH) has closed a molluscan shellfish harvesting area in Area 3 and ordered a recall of all ...