South Country Health Alliance (SCHA) presented Heart of New Ulm with a grant for $4,500 Friday. The funds will be used by ...
Social media is designed to steal the attention of kids and teens who are at pivotal stages of their mental development. Our ...
The devastation of the January wildfires in California, and the closer effects of the Canadian wildfires in years past, have ...
We can have rules and sanctions, explicit policies and statements against misogynistic, homophobic or other derogatory ...
11. “One Day, Everyone Will Have Always Been Against This” by Omar El Akkad (Knopf) ...
I have been reading a book titled, "The Anxious Generation" by Jonathan Haidt. It is a worthwhile read for parents, grandparents and anyone who works with children. The core tenets ...
Only a generation ago, Norman Rockwell’s 1959 painting Sunday Morning was a prophetic diagnosis for pastors everywhere. The ...
USD 383 school board members want individuals and groups in the community to participate in a series of meetings later this spring to discuss the effects of smart phone use ...
New York University professor Dr. Jonathan Haidt likens social media to drugs and warns parents that those who create the ...
Nonfiction 1. The Let Them Theory by Mel Robbins, narrated by the author (Audible Studios) 2. Sound Therapy: Bliss (396Hz) by Audible Sleep and Audio up, narrated by Scarlett Burke (Audible Originals) ...
Social psychologist Jonathan Haidt is drawing a parallel between the people pushing smartphones on kids and drug dealers.
We are delighted to present the latest issue of The Week Independent Schools Guide. As a head at one of our leading schools ...