Originally released as a PlayStation 2 game in 2005, Yakuza (Ryu ga Gotoku in Japan) spawned a lengthy and beloved video game series that follows the many conflicts and schemes of yakuza families ...
Pirate Yakuza puts the focus entirely on fan-favorite comic relief rival Goro Majima for the first time in the series’ ...
Sega has introduced a new unified Sega account system that gives you access to "exclusive bonuses", including a free Pirate ...
Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio will release the New Game Plus mode for Like a Dragon: Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii as free downloadable ...
The game features Goro Majima as the protagonist, and takes place half a year after Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth. The story ...
Like A Dragon Pirate Yakuza In Hawaii is a unique game through and through, and the team reveals how it all came together!