An Amazon Prime TV series adaptation titled Like a Dragon: Yakuza will also hit the streaming service in late October. With such a sprawling saga available to play, where should a curious newcomer ...
Unlike the recent Like a Dragon games, however, the combat isn’t turn-based. It’s more of the real-time beat-‘em-up style from earlier Yakuza games. See our Like a Dragon: Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii ...
Great if you love the series, but one to play after you’ve finished the others. Yakuza 3 shows Kiryu's softer side / Sega In Yakuza 3 we see a softer side to Kiryu as he helps out the orphans ...
Another major draw for every Yakuza game is an engrossing story that introduces new characters, strengthens relationships, and lets some of the most legendary characters in the series play pivotal ...
Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii is definitely shaping up to not only live up to the high standards of the Like a Dragon series, but it also has the potential to become one of the better pirate games released ...
Here's our where to watch for January 9, 2025's RGG Like a Dragon Direct, which will show off some "new features" in Like A Dragon: Pirate Yakuza In Hawaii.