Scientists think a small rock discovered near Earth last August was hurled into space by an ancient impact on the lunar surface.
NASA launched Blue Ghost with a motive to study the moon’s atmosphere. It is expected to orbit the Earth and moon for 45 days. The Blue Ghost has already started sending data.
The next quasi-satellite in the solar system now has an official name. Cardea is a companion of the Earth and was discovered more than 20 years ago.
Scientific and commercial activities on the moon could permanently change the lunar environment. These activities include sending vehicles to the moon, extracting its resources through mining the ...
NASA JPL is readying for, clockwise from lower right, the launches of CADRE (its engineering models are seen here), Lunar Trailblazer, NISAR (seen in ...
Heads up Triad! Four planets are visible in the evening sky this month, and another two planets can be found with a little help. dress warmly and look up this month.
Engineering technology is an important engine driving the development of human society. At present, the global round of scientific and technological ...
O ne of Earth’s seven quasi-moons has just got a new name: Asteroid 2004 GU9 is now known as Cardea, one of the Roman deities of doors and thresholds with a particular focus on hinges.
In Hinduism, eclipses are considered inauspicious. This year’s first solar eclipse is significant due to its strong connection with Saturn. Find out if it will be visible in India.
The Westminster College Planetarium will host four new shows this spring.
A big asteroid, the size of the Empire State Building, called 2024 WY70 is on a collision course with Earth this weekend.
Scientists have discovered two mountains which reach heights of around 620 miles (1,000km), dwarfing anything else found on ...