Berdasarkan data KSEI, Chandra Asri (TPIA) mencatatkan jatuh tempo obligasi secara keseluruhan mencapai Rp1,4 triliun pada ...
Overview of the Incident at Shell’s Pulau Bukom Refinery The shutdown of the oil processing unit at the Shell Energy and Chemicals Park comes as part of an investigation into a suspected leak ...
OIL giant Shell has temporarily shut down an oil-processing unit at Pulau Bukom to investigate a suspected leak in the system. The affected unit, which produces refined oil products such as diesel, ...
Shell plc SHEL, a British multinational oil and gas company, headquartered in London, has temporarily halted operations at one of its oil processing units at the Shell Energy and Chemicals Park, ...
SINGAPORE: The oil leak at Shell's refinery at Pulau Bukom has stopped and clean-up of oil sheens spotted off the island has been completed, government agencies said in a joint statement on ...
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Shell has shut down one of its oil processing units at the Shell Energy and Chemicals Park at Pulau Bukom to investigate a suspected leak.