A secret easter egg has finally been revealed in George Lucas' Star Wars: The Phantom Menace 26 years after its release.
Three decades after the release of Star Wars Special Edition, fans are still discussion the worst changes made to the ...
The budget will decide your fate.” In 2005, Star Wars creator George Lucas made his first convention appearance since 1987 to celebrate Star Wars: Episode III — Revenge of the Sith, at the time the ...
George Lucas had 60 scripts ready to pitch to HBO for this very different entry in the 'Star Wars' franchise that was not ...
For example, something that bothers a lot of new fans is: why the hell didn't the Jedi catch Palpatine (Ian McDiarmid) sooner ...
Heaven's Gate is a controversial Western not because it's a bad film, but because of what it also represented.
Of all the Star Wars fan theories that have circulated over the last several decades, these 10 are the best—in fact, they are ...
Andor season 2's story is set to lead directly into the events of Rogue One. How likely is it that the movie's characters ...
Andor season 2 is set to launch on Disney+ on April 22 in the US and April 23 for those in the UK and Australia. Not sure if ...
It has been quite a long time since the Star Wars prequels sparked a frenzy at the movie theater, giving some fans a villain ...
Underworld TV series. Longtime Lucasfilm employee and producer on the series, Rick McCallum, shared some juicy tidbits of ...
In The Empire Strikes Back, Master Yoda offered Luke Skywalker some key wisdom about the future, yet Star Wars: The Clone Wars suggests he was wrong.