Texas lawmakers are pushing more than 100 bills to clamp down on crime, threatening to overcrowd the state’s jails and ...
The feds are adding thousands of beds to hold families in Texas, which reportedly holds the most immigrants of any state at ...
The sound of electricity sizzling and crackling broke the silence. To me, it looked like the electric chair was officially back in the prisons.
The Astros retired the Space City uniforms and will be mixing the 1990s star logo with the popular Tequila Sunrise color ...
A recurring complaint we hear from police in Dallas is that they arrest dangerous people only to see them released from jail ...
After eight years in “the hole” at Texas’ Lane Murray Unit, Kwaneta Harris documents the “daily reality” of staff sexual ...
A federal grand jury in South Texas has indicted 10 Mexican nationals and two men from Guatemala on charges of assaulting two ...
A historian answers Bolts readers’ questions on the deep roots of forced labor in U.S. prisons, how it operates today, and ...
The withdrawal of “Special Category Status” meant that these prisoners were no longer treated similarly to prisoners of war – they now had to wear prison uniforms and carry out prison work.
Maya Kitchens hears the latest from WT soccer coach Turk Ozturk on his expectations for next season and boys golf coach Axel Ochoa on the season so far!
A prison guard holds a glass of an iced drink while watching prisoners picking cotton in 1975 at the Cummins Unit prison farm of the Arkansas Department of Corrections in Grady, Ark. (Bruce ...
The incentives scheme was introduced to tackle overcrowding in the Texas prison population which reached more than 150,000 in the early 2000s, but has fallen to 135,000 alongside the introduction ...