at work- people at a lower and higher position
Feb 27, 2012 · People in a higher position (UK usage): commonest term is "manager". Your immediate supervisor is generally referred to as your "line manager" or possibly "team leader" and above them there would be a "senior manager". Informally, you would refer to your "boss".
Feb 28, 2024 · 如果你学历一般、工龄和经验较少,专业技能一般,那可以用智联、Boss直聘、前程无忧,上面有很多中小型的公司,虽然工资低一些(均值是5k左右),但门槛会降低,基础岗位不少,能保一口饭吃。
being someone's pet | WordReference Forums
Oct 4, 2007 · And do notice that the possessive of boss is boss's-- an apostrophe without another "s" is generally used only for plurals that end in "s"; when a singular ends in an "s", you ordinarily make the possessive by adding an apostrophe and another "s: The lass's brother Prince Charles's home The compass's owner
目前市面上哪个求职app最靠谱?智联、boss、58、猎聘哪个能最 …
Jan 11, 2023 · 目前市面上哪个求职app最靠谱?智联、boss、58、猎聘哪个能最快找到靠谱的工作?
guv (gov) - boss - sir/mum | WordReference Forums
Feb 18, 2012 · Similar to Boss/Guv, Sergeants you have a reasonably familiar working relationship with are generally called Sarge, or in The Met & a few other forces, Skip. Formally, it’s Sergeant. Detective roles are sometimes slightly less formal and in some teams Detective Constables (DC’s) will call their Detective Sergeants (DS’s) & DS’s may call ...
at work or in the work place | WordReference Forums
Jun 27, 2017 · When the boss was informed of hazard at work/( or in the workplace), he took corrective actions. PaulQ
a polite way to ask for absence for a meeting - WordReference …
Oct 21, 2013 · If you definitely can't make it (that seems to be the case), you're not actually asking permission; rather, you're informing your boss that you won't be there, and you hope that he or she won't be angry with you. You'd say something like, "I am so sorry that I'll be unable to attend the meeting, because . . .
left hand man......??? - WordReference Forums
Mar 23, 2007 · The usual phrase is the right-hand man - meaning the person who is the closest henchman to a leader, or assistant to a boss. This is all to do with the fact that most people are right-handed - maybe this meant they held their sword in their right hand and needed protection there: they'd be vulnerable when they lifted their sword to strike.
Angry ____ the decision - WordReference Forums
Aug 6, 2021 · Fiona is very angry _____ her boss's decision to sack several members of staff. 1. against 2. about 3. for 4
我想问问BOSS直聘靠谱还是智联招聘靠谱呀? - 知乎
智联和boss的应用场景略有不同。智联的话,一般都是公司申请比较多,而且一个法人单位只有一个账号,使用的人一般都为公司的招聘专员。这样发布的信息出口只从这一个人出去,相对来说比较规范。 boss就像广告词说的那样,随时随地都可以找工作。